How A New Gold-Related Crypto Token Could Save Lives In Africa

And how investors are grabbing a limited supply of pre-launch $1 tokens for 0.80 cents each
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USDRThe Payment Token For Social Change

  • Brothers International GmbH purchases gold from artisanal miners at fair value and then issues USDR tokens.
  • The funds raised are then redistributed to improve the safety of miners and retrain them to extract gold without using environmentally damaging or harmful chemicals like mercury.
  • The Malaika Foundation, which has applied for charity status, will fund projects to improve the infrastructure in these communities, like schools, roads and hospitals.
  • As further use-cases develop, more gold will be sourced from artisanal miners in Africa and the money used to develop the local safety standards further.
Helps Provide Safer Working Conditions For Artisanal Miners

Artisanal mining is an important socio-economic sector for the rural poor in a number of developing nations, many of whom have few other options for supporting their families.

However, due to the challenges of implementing regulatory oversight, many communities suffer fatal mine collapses.

Furthermore, artisanal miners have no land ownership rights and so have no incentive to manage resources sustainably, often extracting gold with environmentally harmful and dangerous chemicals.

This situation is exacerbated by governments’ failure to recognize and mainstream artisanal mining.

Designed To Become The Internet’s Reserve Currency
Issued on Ethereum blockchain and Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
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